Undergraduate Registration

Students register using EagleApps. Undergraduate students need the following to access the registration system:

  1. Username and password to log into the Agora Portal
  2. VPN, if accessing EagleApps from off campus

Degree Audits

莫里西艺术与科学学院(MCAS)的本科生可以获得学位审核。, Carroll School of Management (CSOM), Connell School of Nursing (CSON), Lynch School of Education and Human Development, and the Law School. 学位审核是一种计算机生成的分析,使您和您的顾问能够审查您的学术进展和未满足的要求. 学位审核是学术规划的宝贵工具,因为它将你所修课程与学位课程的要求相匹配. You should carefully review your degree audit in consultation with your advisor. Through offcampushousing.sa.ycdwkj666.com/myservices, 你可以申请学位审核或模拟学位审核(它显示了不同学校的要求), majors, and minors) to be downloaded to your computer.

For more information, view the EagleApps Student Degree Audit Guide.

Advising for Registration


Degree Audit Errors

If it is a course that normally counts toward the specific requirement, it may not be counted due to an error in the system, in which case you should contact your assistant registrar (MCAS — Karen Livingston; CSOM, CSON, and LSEHD — Jenna Burke) in Lyons Hall. 如果这是一门通常不能满足你想要的要求的课程, please fill out a Degree Audit Course Substitution and Waiver form. For example, 该部门可以批准高级课程来满足核心要求,也可以批准从其他机构转来的课程来满足特定的专业要求.

Satisfactory Academic Progress


Undergraduate Advising

Your advisor's information is available through your offcampushousing.sa.ycdwkj666.com/myservices. 登录后,选择“我的服务”,“帐户和个人信息”,然后选择“学术顾问”."

所有本科生都应该查看Agora门户网站,确认导师的姓名和电子游戏软件. 莫里西文理学院(Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences)的学生如果想从专业转到“未申报”专业,必须前往斯托克斯S140的学术咨询中心. 莫里西艺术与科学学院的学生如果想要要求更换他/她的专业顾问,应该访问他/她的专业部门办公室. CSOM students should visit the CSOM office, Fulton 360; CSON students, the CSON office, Cushing 202; Lynch School students, the Lynch School office, Campion 106.

Registration Appointment Times

For undergraduates, appointments are scheduled from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. during the allotted days by class year. 预约时间可以在EagleApps计划和注册的蓝色标题中看到,就在注册开始之前. 你不能在预约时间之前登记,但可以在预约时间之后的任何时间登记.

For more information, view the EagleApps Student Planning and Registration Guide.

Alternating Halves of the Alphabet

Registration appointment times for the Classes of 2025, 2026, and 2027 are divided into two groups (Group A and Group B). Last names M–Z will be in Group A, and last names A–L will be in Group B.

Group A will be assigned registration appointments at random between 9 a.m. and 12:45 p.m., while Group B will be assigned slots between 1:00 p.m. and 4:45 p.m.

对于每个学期,我们将采用ABBA技术来交替哪个组先注册. Regardless of the student's last name, 注册的最后一个学期(大四秋季)将完全随机.

For more details, see the tables below:

Class of 2025

Semester9:00 a.m.–12:45 p.m. Registration1:00–4:45 p.m. Registration
Fall 2024
Spring 2025Randomized

Class of 2026

Semester9:00 a.m.–12:45 p.m. Registration1:00–4:45 p.m. Registration
Fall 2024
Spring 2025
Fall 2025M–Z
Spring 2026Randomized

Class of 2027

Semester9:00 a.m.–12:45 p.m. Registration1:00–4:45 p.m. Registration
Fall 2024
Spring 2025
Fall 2025M–Z
Spring 2026M–ZA–L
Fall 2026
Spring 2027Randomized

Registration Holds

You may have a hold on your registration for a number of reasons, 但两个主要原因是你的学生账户上有未偿还的余额,或者没有向卫生服务办公室提交免疫证明. 如果您的注册信息/学位审核表底部出现注册保持消息, you must see the appropriate office (Outstanding Balance—Student Services, Immunization—Health Services, etc.) to resolve the situation before you can register.

For information regarding immunization requirements, visit the Policies and Procedures on the University Catalog website.

Closed and Restricted Courses

申请注册封闭或限制课程或时间冲突课程的学生应填写“批准/撤销”表格 Academic Forms web page. Please follow the process as described in the form instructions.


Undergraduate seniors in MCAS, CSOM, LSEHD, 想要在WCAS注册2024年秋季课程的CSON可以从周三开始注册, August 21, 2024 at 9 a.m. for a limited number of seats.

On Thursday, August 22, 2024 at 9 a.m., sophomores, juniors, and seniors in MCAS, CSOM, LSEHD, or CSON, as well as WCAS students, will be eligible to register for any unclaimed seat.

First-year students are not eligible to take WCAS courses. All other students are allowed to enroll in just one WCAS course per term. 伍兹学院为全日制本科生指定了有限数量的课程. Undergraduate day students who would like to request using a WCAS course for Core, major, or minor credit should submit a Course Pre-Approval form through BC Works, 哪些将被发送到相关部门和副院长办公室进行审查和可能的批准.


  • Day students are limited to one WCAS course each semester.
  • Day students may not enroll in WCAS courses pass/fail.
  • Day students who wish to discuss the possibility of using a WCAS course for Core, major, 或次要学分必须与他们的副院长办公室的批准和适当的文书工作.
  • Except as noted below, first-year day students may not enroll in any WCAS courses.

Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences
  • Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences students may not enroll in Saturday classes.
  • Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences can enroll in hybrid and online courses.

Carroll School of Management
  • 卡罗尔管理学院的学生可以参加混合课程和在线课程,以获得一般学分, with department approval, the course may count for University Core).
  • 卡罗尔管理学院的学生可以注册前缀为ADAC的管理课程, ADBM, ADFN, or ADMK for general credit only (i.e., not toward CSOM major/minor).
  • Carroll School of Management students may enroll in Saturday classes.
Connell School of Nursing
  • 只有康奈尔护理学院的高年级学生才被允许注册伍兹学院的课程.
  • 课程必须由康奈尔学院副院长预先批准,并填写适当的文件,如果他们被考虑为核心.
Lynch School of Education and Human Development
  • Lynch School students may take hybrid and online courses for general credit (also, with department and undergraduate Associate Dean’s approval, courses may count for University Core, major, or minor).
  • Lynch School students who wish to use a course for Core, major, 或次要学分必须与他们的副院长办公室工作,以获得适当的批准和适当的文书工作.
  • Lynch School students may enroll in Saturday classes.

For further information, please consult the Woods College of Advancing Studies website.

Disability Services Office

Services for undergraduate and graduate students with hearing, visual, mobility, medical, psychiatric, and temporary disabilities are coordinated through Rory Stein, the Assistant Dean for Students with Disabilities. 为提供适当文件的学生提供的学术支持服务是个性化的,可能包括, but are not limited to, sign language interpreters, CART services, electronic textbooks, extended time on exams, alternate testing locations, facilitation of program modification, course under-loads, readers, scribes, and note-takers. 副院长与每个学生单独工作,以确定学生充分参与大学课程和活动所需的适当住宿. 欲了解更多信息,请联系助理院长617-552-3470或访问网站 offcampushousing.sa.ycdwkj666.com/disability.

为有学习障碍和注意缺陷多动障碍的学生提供的服务和住宿通过康纳斯家庭学习中心进行协调. The Center, located in O’Neill Library, provides academic support services and accommodations to undergraduate students. 该中心的服务范围广泛,并根据个别学生的独特需求而有所不同. For more information, please contact Dr. Kathy Duggan at 617-552-8093, or visit the website at offcampushousing.sa.ycdwkj666.com/connors.

Registration-Related Policies


For information regarding overloading, please visit the Policies and Procedures on the University Catalog website. 

Pass/Fail Electives

For information regarding pass/fail electives, please visit the Policies and Procedures on the University Catalog website. 


Undergraduate courses in all schools are unavailable 除伍兹高级电子游戏正规平台学院提供的课程外,所有课程都将接受审计. Note: Day school students are not allowed to audit any courses, including those offered in the Woods College of Advancing Studies. Students enrolled in WCAS are not allowed to audit courses offered in the day school.

Withdrawing from a Course or the University

To withdraw from a course, students must complete the online Withdrawal/Leave of Absence Form found on the Academic Forms web page. Students will not be permitted to withdraw from courses after the published deadline. Deadlines can be found on the Academic Calendar. 此时仍在注册的学生将收到本学期的最终成绩.