On a campus bristling with high-speed digital technology, the combination of a big board and a piece of dusty chalk or a felt-tipped pen retains its purpose, promoting collegial conversation with a backdrop of questions and ideas writ large. Senior photographer Lee Pellegrini sought out the black, green, and white boards that salt the Chestnut Hill 校园’s hallways, 会议空间, 休息室, 160多个教室, 以及70多个实验室, as the fall semester neared its conclusion and as the spring semester began.

Associate professor of physics Jan Engelbrecht and Tong Yang

In a blackboard-lined alcove on the third floor of Higgins Hall, associate professor of physics Jan Engelbrecht (who studies synchrony—in an audience clapping hands or in the orbits of pairs of electrons in a superconductor) talks with doctoral candidate Tong Yang about the advantages of a particular class of oscillators in building machine learning neural networks.

Cubicles assigned to graduate students in the economics department

Cubicles assigned to graduate students in the economics department on the third floor of Maloney Hall come with individual whiteboards. The one in the foreground is used by Joseph Cooprider, Ph值.D. candidate who applies machine learning to the study of heterogeneity in consumer demand.

Associate biology professor Timothy Van Opijnen's office

On a wall in the fourth-floor Higgins Hall office of associate biology professor Timothy Van Opijnen, a birthday greeting for a student researcher claims space amid notes from Opijnen’s discussions with colleagues regarding analytic techniques and potential experiment outcomes. Opijnen电子游戏正规平台微生物系统.


Double doors in the Robsham Theater scene shop were converted to blackboards in 2017 by students using chalkboard paint. Courtney Licata, the theater department’s scenic charge artist, records equipment needs on them.


During his music theory course “Counterpoint,“拉尔夫·高力克, 音乐副教授, explores fifth species three-part counterpoint with his students, 包括康纳·安查斯基20年(前景), 在里昂厅四楼的教室里. Gawlick says he likes the “real-time” quality of a board and chalk.


王子强教授, 谁电子游戏正规平台凝聚态物理, prefers not to erase his office blackboard in Higgins Hall. He writes around and over earlier work and, 在必要的时候, turns to boards in the department’s common spaces.


On associate professor John Baldwin’s whiteboard are pentagrams representing a collection of 4-dimensional spaces. Baldwin’s specialty in mathematics is topology—the study of shape and space—and the board, 他说, helps with “the visualization of complicated objects.“他的办公室在马洛尼大厅.

Connell School of Nursing’s simulation hospital ward

Notes herald a session of “Adult 健康 Nursing I: Clinical Laboratory” in the Connell School of Nursing’s simulation hospital ward, 在马洛尼大厅的二楼. 由艾琳·沙利文教授, assistant director of the school’s learning laboratories, and clinical assistant professor Luanne Nugent, the course introduces second-year students, who are embarking on their first hospital clinicals, to procedures and issues they will encounter.

Fuxin Zhai and Yoshibumi Makabe in economics classroom

Fuxin Zhai (right) and Yoshibumi Makabe, both Ph.D. 候选人, in the economics department’s Maloney Hall computer room, with notations made by fellow students on the boards beyond. “When working on mathematically complex models,系主任克里斯托弗·鲍姆说, 计量经济学属于谁的领域, “电脑会帮你做一些工作, but there is no substitute for writing it out and working through the math on a board.”


在里昂厅二楼的教室里, 伊克拉姆·伊斯顿(红色夹克), professor of the practice in the Slavic and Eastern languages and literatures department, instructs Katherine Farrell ’21 and Georges AbouKasm ’21 as they work their way, 从右到左, through an Arabic writing exercise in the course “Elementary Arabic.”


During a men’s hockey practice in Conte Forum, head coach Jerry York instructs his players from the whiteboard, 包括前锋马克·麦克劳克林(25岁), 一个新生, 和Aapeli Rasanen(22岁), 大二学生.


In associate professor of psychology Liane Young’s Morality Lab on the third floor of Higgins Hall, lab manager Joshua Hirschfeld-Kroen (left) and Ryan McManus, Ph值.D. candidate in psychology, discuss a technique for analyzing brain imaging data.


In a common area on the fifth floor of Maloney Hall, assistant professor of mathematics Kathryn Lindsey and professor Robert Meyerhoff discuss mathematical foundations of neural networks as part of a research project led by their department colleague professor Elisenda Grigsby.


These scrawled lines from "Romeo and Juliet" and "Hamlet" survive backstage at the Bonn Studio Theater following a Shakespeare performance workshop led by the actor Maurice Parent, 今年的J. Donald Monan, SJ, Professor in Theater 艺术s. Slashes indicate stressed syllables in the Bard’s iambic pentameter cadence.