电子游戏软件 offers employees a range of facilities, services, and other resources aimed at providing opportunities for recreation, 学习, and social interaction; and at promoting health and welfare. 下面的部分描述了校园里的许多资源,以方便电子游戏软件的员工.







多样性 & 包容

信仰 & 灵性

安全 & 安全






员工可以打折购买家庭足球、篮球和曲棍球比赛的门票. 欲了解更多信息,员工应联系体育办公室,电话:(617)552-3000.

Margot Connell Recreation Center

(This section last updated online: June 16, 2015)

校园娱乐设施和项目是提供给所有电子游戏软件的员工. 员工可以通过购买会员或支付一日通行证来使用玛格特康奈尔娱乐中心和Quonset Hut(牛顿校区的卫星设施). 会员资格可以每年、每学期、每月或夏季购买. 员工的配偶可以凭其官方的电子游戏软件配偶身份证购买任何时期的个人会员. Family memberships are available only during the summer. 在学年开始时处理的会员资格可以通过扣除工资来支付.

The Margot Connell Recreation Center includes a fitness center, 攀岩墙, 慢跑跑道, 水上运动中心, 木地板篮球场, 网球场, multi-activity法院, 多功能旋转室, 瑜伽, 还有健身课程, 和更多的. Quonset Hut有篮球、乒乓球、有氧运动和举重设备,以及团体健身课程.

大多数保险公司, 包括哈佛朝圣者, 提供健身报销高达150美元每日历年的健康俱乐部会费. 





The 电子游戏软件 书店s carry 电子游戏软件 clothing and gifts, 所需的文本, 一般的书, 教育材料, 以及其他各种项目. The Chestnut Hill Campus 书店 is located in McElroy Commons; the Hillside Shop is in Maloney Hall, and the Newton Campus 书店 is in Stuart House. The 书店 also operates a mail-order business.



大学员工收到一份 20% 服装,礼品,学校用品,文具和一般书籍的折扣. 书店的运营政策和程序的更完整的声明可以在电子游戏软件政策和程序手册(5-310-001)中找到。.

Technology Products at the 公元前书店

BC书店卖电脑, 向电子游戏软件社区的所有成员提供平板电脑和其他技术产品.  电脑可以由经过认证的硬件维修技术人员在校园内维修(O 'Neill 208: 617-552-1911 x 3: 硬件.repair@ycdwkj666.com). 请注意,教职员工可以免费下载一份微软办公软件和杀毒软件供家庭使用.




波士顿大学儿童中心为多达42名两岁之间的儿童提供学前和延长的日托services, 九个月和五年. The program runs from September through June; a separate program extends through the summer months. 可用空间按比例分配给员工群体和电子游戏正规平台生. 父母 pay tuition to meet the operational expenses of the Center; limited tuition subsidies are available to employees who meet income criteria established by the 儿童中心. Information and applications are available from the Center.

The Center is located behind Haley House near the Chestnut Hill Campus. Additional information may be obtained directly from the Center, at 617-552-3356, or from the Department of 人力资源.




电子游戏软件餐饮services为员工提供了一系列的校园餐饮选择. 在栗山校区, 其中包括科克伦公地, 还有餐厅, 自助餐厅, and fast-food concessions located in McElroy Commons and in Lyons Hall. Dining facilities on the Newton Campus are located in Stuart House. 咖啡厅129,位于129湖街,提供早餐和午餐在布莱顿校园. A current listing of the various dining facilities, 每种菜单的种类, and the hours of operation may be obtained from BCDS.



大学图书馆系统为教学提供资源和services, 电子游戏正规平台, and 学习 activities of 电子游戏软件 教师 和学生. All library facilities are also open to 电子游戏软件 employees. The library system has six major components: the Thomas P. 小奥尼尔. 图书馆, which houses the bulk of the collections; the Bapst 图书馆, with a collection of resources in art and art history, and undergraduate and graduate student study areas; the John J. Burns 图书馆 of Rare Books and Special Collections; the Graduate School of Social Work 图书馆; the Educational Resource Center; and the Law School 图书馆.

图书馆藏书超过1册,200,000年印, catalogued volumes; two million microform units; over 100,000 government documents; 和更多的 than 15,000 audiovisual materials; as well as numerous periodicals and maps. 馆藏的访问由在线目录提供,可以从每个图书馆的公共终端进行搜索. 员工身份证作为借书证,用于借阅图书和其他资料.

额外的图书馆services和设施提供给电子游戏软件社区是参考services, 流通与储备, 馆际互借, 复制services, 计算机辅助电子游戏正规平台, 媒体预览室. 电子游戏软件 libraries provide extensive electronic access to information; a great number of indexes and data sources in many subject areas are available online.






通过MBTA定期上下班的员工可以获得通行证计划. 根据具体路线, frequency and type of travel involved, a choice of different monthly passes is offered. For other special offers, call the MBTA at 617-222-5218.

MBTA passes are sold on a monthly or weekly basis. 想要订购学期通行证的员工可以在交通和停车services网站上获取信息,并订购他们想要的通行证.

The Office of 交通及停车 can be reached at 617-552-0151.





(This section last updated online: Dec. 20, 2005)

停车的员工可在栗子山,牛顿和布莱顿校园. 电子游戏软件的教职员工必须在学生services办公室登记他们的车辆,并在车辆上贴上有效的停车许可证. 有几种类型的许可证可供使用,每种许可证都有特定的资格标准. 停车许可证每月收取费用,并在税前的基础上从员工的工资中扣除.

Employees may purchase a reserved parking “R” permit, allowing them to park in certain reserved areas on campus. 这个选项可能对那些轮班上班的员工有帮助,因为他们不得不在一天中特别难以找到停车位的时间上班.





电子游戏软件提供班车services,提供从栗子山校区到克利夫兰圆环和布莱顿社区的交通, and from the Chestnut Hill Campus to the Newton Campus (Law School). The shuttle service on both routes operates Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. 到下午两点.m., at 10-minute intervals; and Saturday, Sunday, and holidays, 8:00 a.m. 到下午两点.m.,每隔20分钟. 关于电子游戏软件班车services的更多具体信息可以通过致电住房办公室617-552-4711获得.





自动柜员机是美国银行系统的一部分,位于麦克尔罗伊下议院的下层门厅附近, outside the main entrance to Walsh Hall, and on the first floor of Stuart House on the Newton Campus. These machines provide withdrawal, deposit, and transfer services.



电子游戏软件是地铁信用社Metro@work银行项目的附属成员.  Metro serves any person or family member that works for 电子游戏软件.  作为一家提供全方位services的信用合作社, 麦德龙提供了你所期望的大型金融机构的所有金融产品和交付创新.  Banking services include checking and savings accounts, 圣诞节和度假俱乐部, Certificates of Deposit and Money Market accounts, 个人退休账户和投资services, 个人及汽车贷款, 住房抵押贷款和股权贷款, 旅行支票, 信用卡, 和ATM卡. 员工有资格在任何时候加入信用合作社,以通过工资缴款节省开支. An initial deposit of $5 is required to open a new account.

For information or assistance in opening an account, employees can visit metrocu.org or call 877-MY-METRO (877-696-3876).



校外住房办公室, 位于鲁宾斯坦大厅, serves as an information and referral center for employees, 教师, 学生, and alumni in need of local housing. Listings include individuals seeking roommates, landlords who have apartments or houses for rent or sale, and homeowners with rooms for rent. Detailed computer listings are updated daily and printed biweekly. You can obtain the listings by mail by calling 617-552-3074, or you can pick them up in Rubenstein Hall.



电子游戏软件校园里有很多人被委任为公证人. 需要正式签名见证的员工可联系福利办公室或位于湖街129号的人力资源services中心.




提供全方位services的U.S. 邮局位于麦克尔罗伊下议院的二楼,周一至周五上午8:30开放.m. 到下午4点.m. during the academic year, and from 7:00 a.m. 到下午3点.m. 在夏季. 美国.S. 牛顿校区的邮件services位于斯图尔特楼,平日上午8点开放.m. 到下午4:30.m.

校园邮件services由位于美国邮政总局旁边的校园邮件室提供.S. Post Office in McElroy Commons and in Stuart House on the Newton Campus.


多样性 & 包容


Office for Institutional 多样性

机构多样性办公室通过促进电子游戏软件社区所有成员的多样性和包容性文化来支持大学的使命. 一个真正重视并充分利用其多样性的社区,会创造一种不同观点可以共存和繁荣的氛围.



Services for People with Disabilities

电子游戏软件一直在努力确保残疾人士能够进入校园的所有地方,并有机会参与整个大学的项目. 以下是校园无障碍地图,有关建筑无障碍的其他信息可在 残疾事务办事处 网站. 

教师, 工作人员, 持有国家残疾人停车证和BC许可证的学生可以在其特定停车许可证类型指定的停车场内的无障碍空间停车. BC Permits can be obtained through the existing parking system. 有残疾或行动不便的教职员工和学生可以申请 停车及交通 for additional parking accomodations. 



信仰 & 灵性


Church in the 21st Century Center

电子游戏软件的21世纪教会(C21)中心是美国天主教会复兴的催化剂和资源. 该中心为员工提供出版物、活动、系列书籍和在线课程.




电子游戏软件耶稣会社区为教职员工提供各种加深精神生活的工具. 伊格内修斯洛约拉, 耶稣会的创始人, opened avenues to developing spirituality that, 在过去的四个世纪里, 有没有帮助男人和女人在他们与神的关系中成长,并明确他们的生活方向. 由电子游戏软件耶稣会社区赞助的项目包括周末静修和个人精神咨询, as well as daily liturgies in St. 玛丽的教堂. Further information is available through the Jesuit Community Office.



十字路口帮助教职员工探索电子游戏软件的耶稣会和天主教使命, 同时培养加强大学制度的大学公民精神.




使命部和部内的办公室共同努力,帮助培养教师之间的形成文化, 政府, 工作人员, 和学生. 美国niversity supports a robust liberal arts formative education.



安全 & 安全


电子游戏软件 Police Department

电子游戏软件警察局的任务是确保学生的安全, 教师, 工作人员, 和游客. 本处亦与大学人员及部门合作,保护他们的财产,并致力提供预防犯罪教育,改善社区生活. 的BCPD offers the following services: crime prevention training, criminal investigation and detection, 紧急医疗反应, 交通及停车管制, 安全护送services, 以及受害者/证人的支持.

的BCPD, 位于马洛尼大厅, is fully operational 24 hours a day, 一年365天, and remains operational during major emergencies, including those involving loss of electrical power and telecommunications. The Police Department may be reached by telephone at 617-552-4440. 所有的电话都被记录下来,并保存至少30天.


紧急对讲机, 以蓝灯识别, are located at various sites on campus, 将来电者直接与伦敦警务处联络,使警方能即时赶到来电现场. 应警察部门的要求,可提供指定对讲机位置的地图.


要求, 警察部门将提供校园安全护送,护送员工在晚上工作时间或参加晚上的课程后安全到达他们的车辆.


校园安全 and 安全策略

电子游戏软件遵守1990年的《电子游戏软件》. 大学每年向全体教员发布校园安全和安保计划, 工作人员, 和学生. For full information, see the 电子游戏软件 政策 and 程序, 政策5-350-200.



In the interest of campus safety and security, 电子游戏软件将通知大学社区所有在电子游戏软件校园内发生的被认为对其成员构成威胁的犯罪行为,并向校园安全当局或当地警察机构报告. 安全 notifications will be disseminated in a manner that is timely, that aids the prevention of similar occurrences, and that protects the privacy of the victims of such incidents. In order to be easily recognizable, 这些通知被贴在预先印好的栗色和金色抬头的信笺上.

发布安全通知的责任由财务副总裁负责. The Notices are hand delivered by the 电子游戏软件 Police to a designated person in each building on campus; this person disseminates them to each office within his/her building for posting. 安全通告亦透过大学的中央电脑系统,以系统公告的形式发给用户, 及以电子邮件方式发给资讯科技署的联络人,以便进一步公布. 它们也可能被放置在公告栏和校园的其他公共区域.