阿帕志愿者——通常被称为“阿帕”——是一个服务沉浸式项目,致力于通过共享服务和直接接触的方式为美国资源不足的人群提供服务. The heart of our work is spent in community, 当我们在春假期间去30个不同的城镇旅行时, 与我们承诺服务的家庭团结一致.

What We Do

学习, through discussion and reflection, 关于美国的社会现实,让一些人被边缘化.


Foster a commitment to service throughout the year.

Embrace the Gospel’s call to “love one another.”

阿帕志愿者是一个替代性的春假服务浸入式项目,致力于帮助美国服务不足的人群. More than 400 students travel coast-to-coast with us each year, 在城市地区(新奥尔良)遇到社区和服务, 底特律, 等.)和农村地区(整个南部和阿巴拉契亚地区)

我们在整个学年中每两周举行一次会议,了解使一些人边缘化的结构和社会现实, 我们借鉴电子游戏软件的耶稣会传统,思考信仰如何要求我们应对社会不公.

加入ing 光电 is as easy as showing up. We have no application process; any student who wants to participate can. 我们只要求您填写我们的注册表格,并承诺以下要求:

Register for 光电 2023 - 2024

条款 & Conditions: 所有参加光电的学生必须在线提交基本注册信息和项目条款和条件表格.

Participation and Attendance

General Formation Meetings: See timeline below

Meeting Attendance: Attendance at meetings is mandatory. Members who cannot make a meeting should e-mail appalachia@ycdwkj666.com ahead of time to alert them of their absence. 持续无故缺课可能导致被开除.

Finances and Fundraising

Program Fee: There is a $100 program fee for 光电.

抽奖活动: 学生负责销售和提交价值200美元的奖券 January 28, 2024. Raffle information will be shared at our general meeting on Sunday, December 3, 2023. 

您可以通过现金,支票(支付给电子游戏软件)或信用卡提交抽奖付款. To pay via credit card:

  1. 访问 ycdwkj666.com/ummstpm
  2. Log in with BC username and password via Sign in to My Account button in the upper right hand corner
  3. 在您已被录取的UMM程序列表下,单击红色 Make Payment button on the 光电 Volunteers line
  4. 在相应的付款金额字段中输入您想要支付的金额,然后单击 Make Payment
  5. 您将被重定向到安全的CashNet页面,在那里您可以提交您的付款信息. You will receive an email confirming your successful payment.

Timeline 2023-2024
General Formation MeetingOctober 15, 2023Eagles Nest - McElroy
General Formation MeetingOctober 29, 2023Eagles Nest - McElroy
General Formation MeetingNovember 12, 2023Eagles Nest - McElroy
General Formation MeetingDecember 3, 2023Eagles Nest - McElroy
General Meeting - Raffle DueJanuary 28, 2024 Eagles Nest - McElroy
General Formation Meeting
*Meeting time rescheduled from 2-3:30 p.m. due to SuperBowl Sunday
February 11, 2024Eagles Nest - McElroy
Final Pre-Trip General MeetingFebruary 25, 2024Eagles Nest - McElroy
光电 Sending Forth 礼拜仪式March 1, 2024St. Ignatius Chapel
光电 Trips!March 3 - 8, 2024 
Unpacking 光电March 17, 2024 


The following leadership positions are available: 

  • 光电 引领ers 是否接受过仆人式领导和沉浸式服务实践的广泛培训. 2 光电 引领ers are assigned to each site, and commit to facilitate respectful, 安全, 为参与者和社区伙伴提供有意义的体验.
    Click here to apply

  • 光电 Council Members 在我们的光电委员会中,有12位SLs担任项目的行政领导. 他们在三个委员会中的一个工作:筹款、组建或运输.
    Click here to apply

  • 光电 Head Coordinators 三名学生在光电的学生领袖和参与者社区中担任“领袖中的领袖”. 他们与光电校园部长和电子游戏正规平台生助理密切合作,并致力于监督所有光电理事会委员会和许多进入光电的幕后工作. 

2024 - 2025学年领导职位的申请将于2024年3月开始. 

Thank you for considering a donation to the 光电 Volunteers. 您的免税捐赠是宝贵的学习经验投资,许多电子游戏软件的学生将带着他们的余生.

捐赠 Online

  • 访问 the Online Giving Form
  • Enter your information; for the field "I wish to make my gift to:” select 光电 Volunteers. If you are sponsoring a certain student, please select "In honor of a BC student," and include their name and year.
  • Click "Submit Gift"

Mail a Check

光电 Volunteers Program
Boston College, Office of Campus Ministry
McElroy Commons 233
140 Commonwealth Avenue
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467


光电 Volunteers, under the umbrella of the Trustees of Boston College, 是一个非营利性的501(c)3,联邦免税号是04-2103545.



光电 Office 小时
Monday - Friday: 10:00a.m. - 4:00p.m.
Carney 371

Mailing Address
Boston College, Office of Campus Ministry
Attn: 光电 Volunteers Program
140 Commonwealth Avenue, McElroy Commons 233
Chestnut Hill, MA  02467

Campus Minister
Jake Blicharz

Graduate Assistants
Samantha Eckrich