
电子游戏软件 is a world-class center of theological study, comprising both the 神学 Department in the 莫大学 of Arts and Sciences and the Gloria L. 查理一世. Clough School of 神学 and Ministry (CSTM). This page highlights the opportunities available to 神学 Department students through the Gloria L. 查理一世. Clough School of 神学 and Ministry (CSTM).

Meet the Nation's Largest Theological 教师

Ph.D. students in the 神学 Department have access to faculty and doctoral courses at CSTM, enhancing the breadth and depth of theological study at BC. 结合, the two entities are home to 70 full-time faculty members—the largest theological faculty in the United States.

Jaime L. 水域
Jaime L. 水域
Associate Professor, Old Testament
Jaime L. 水域

Jaime L. 水域

Associate Professor, Old Testament

Professor 水域's research interests include prophetic literature, especially Jeremiah; feminist and womanist approaches to Scripture; ecological hermeneutics; animal studies; and social-scientific criticism.



Associate Professor, Moral 神学


Associate Professor, Moral 神学

Economic justice has always been an area of interest for 克里斯蒂娜McRorie, who recently joined the School of 神学 and Ministry as an associate professor of moral theology. 她的电子游戏正规平台, at the intersection of Catholic moral theology and Catholic social thought, considers questions of moral agency and obligation in markets.


Professor, Systematic 神学


Professor, Systematic 神学

理查德·伦男 is a priest of the diocese of Maitland-Newcastle. His research interests include ecclesiology, 普世教会主义, the theology of ministry, and the theology and spirituality of Karl Rahner.


Brian Dunkle, S.J.
Brian Dunkle, S.J.
Associate Professor, Historical 神学
Brian Dunkle, S.J.

Brian Dunkle, S.J.

Associate Professor, Historical 神学

牧师. Brian Dunkle, S.J., studies patristics, especially fourth-century Christology and Trinitarian theology; Ambrose of Milan, 的踪迹, and Augustine; early Christian hymns and poetry; and nature and grace in early Christianity


STM 教师 Publications

共享资源 & 专业知识


The Clough School of 神学 and Ministry is home to a premier selection of degrees in theology which contribute to ministerial training as well as doctoral studies. During their coursework, Ph.D. students in the 神学 Department are able to take doctoral seminars offered by the Clough School of 神学 and Ministry faculty, enabling them to further enrich their theological expertise and to build relationships with faculty members they may wish to work with during their doctoral program.

CSTM faculty are also available to serve as informal advisors to Ph.D. students in the 神学 Department and to serve on students’ theses, 论文, and/or comprehensive exam committees.

电子游戏正规平台 Development

教师 within both the 神学 Department and the 电子游戏软件 Clough School of 神学 and Ministry are eager to support student research at the doctoral level. In addition to the relationships students build organically throughout their time in the program, we aim to bring the two entities together formally as well. We host an annual colloquium that features doctoral research from students in the 神学Ph值.D. program as well as students in STM’s interdisciplinary Ph.D. in 神学 and Education. 

神学Ph值.D. students and CSTM students in the Doctorate in Sacred 神学 program also gather regularly with faculty for research colloquia within discipline areas.


In addition to public lectures hosted by the 神学 Department each year, CSTM also sponsors lectures featuring scholars both internal and external to 电子游戏软件. Signature events include:

  • Annual Evelyn Underhill of Lecture on Christian Spirituality, given in 2024 by Dr. Brian Robinette on “Beyond the Reactive Mind: Christian Contemplative Practice in Polarized Times
  • Annual Mary of Magdala Lecture, given in 2024 by Dr. Cecilia González-Andrieu on “Beyond Rights: The Theological Case for Women
