你收到录用通知了. 祝贺你! 现在? While this is an exciting time in your life, 停下来,退后一步来评估这份工作,确定它是否符合你的目标和需求,这一点很重要. 你需要在这个过程中投入时间,为自己未来的成功做准备. 


Before strategizing for the salary negotiation, 考虑职位本身, 公司文化, the opportunities for growth. Does this job match your interests, skills, 和 values? Does this role fit into your long-term career goals? Will the position help you grow professionally? Will your boss’s management style align with your supervisory needs? 这些都是大问题,幸运的是,有很多资源可以帮助你回答这些问题.

如果你正在考虑这个职位是否符合你的长期职业目标, 考虑这些资源:

  • 使用 鹰交换LinkedIn to search for other current or former employees at the organization. 看看其他人在你潜在的公司工作前后的职业发展轨迹,可以帮助你确定这个职位是否适合你. 你也可以利用这些平台联系现任和前任员工,询问他们的职业道路和经历.
  • 电子游戏正规平台 your field 和/or your company on 穹窿指南 (sign in through your BC account). Vault指南可以让您深入了解现场前景以及工作的日常方面. 

如果你想了解办公室的文化如何符合你的需求, 看看这些资源:

  • 再一次。 鹰交换LinkedIn 非常有帮助. 试着联系一下在你考虑的公司或组织工作过的校友. Talk to others who have been supervised by your prospective boss. 询问公司的文化是什么样的,是否有建议和指导的机会.
  • Glassdoor网站.com is another great resource for exploring company culture. 搜索 for the company or organization to get the inside scoop on salary, 好处, 组织文化, 和 overall experience from actual employees.


如果需要一对一的评估工作机会和谈判薪水的建议, schedule an appointment with a career coach.

电子游戏软件 Job Offer Policy


You may be wondering why you should negotiate your offer. 再一次。 we encourage you to think about the big picture. 每一份薪水都是你未来收入潜力的基准,因为你的每一份薪水都是在上一份薪水的基础上建立起来的. 这意味着尽早协商你的薪水可以让你在职业生涯中获得更高的收入.

谈判也向你的雇主表明,你已经做了调查,了解了你在当前劳动力市场上的相对价值. 我们建议你在面试之前开始这个过程(下面的步骤1-4),以防你被问到你的薪水要求.

记住, 然而, 谈判你的报价可能并不总是可能的,而且可能有比你的薪水更多的东西需要谈判. 如果你有问题或为谈判做准备,可以预约职业教练.


如果需要一对一的评估工作机会和谈判薪水的建议, schedule an appointment with a career coach.

电子游戏软件 Job Offer Policy

据电子游戏正规平台人员称, assuming a 5% average annual pay increase over a 40-year career, a 25-year-old who negotiated a starting salary of $55,000人将挣634美元,000 more than a non-negotiator who accepted an initial offer of $50,000.
标志着 & 哈罗德,2009

Step-by-Step Guide to 工资 Negotiation


Before even getting to the dollars 和 cents, you’ll need to think about the value you bring to the position. What will you contribute to the organization? 考虑专业和学术成就以及可衡量的, positive results 和 contributions to significant projects or outcomes. 在薪资和福利谈判时,你需要清楚地表达这些特质. Need help articulating your skills 和 accomplishments? 使用 the Career Readiness worksheet to organize your thoughts.


In order to evaluate your offer, 你需要考虑你需要多少薪水来支付你的开支(房租), 食物, 公用事业公司, 学生贷款, 等.). Start by developing a realistic budget. 这样做的一个好方法是记录你大约3个月的支出(有时查看过去3个月的支出是有帮助的)。. 你可以使用像BudgetTracker或Mint这样的预算应用程序来跟踪你的支出,或者简单地填写一个预算工作表 比如这个 to get a sense for what you spend.

注意你计划工作的城市的生活成本. 房租、杂货和其他基本生活费用在一个城市可能比在另一个城市更贵. 你可以用 这个在线计算器 电子游戏正规平台生活成本. Looking for some financial coaching? 看看电子游戏软件钱的导师 程序! The 程序 will match you with a mentor who can help you budget, 管理你的收入, 甚至投资. 


Once you have determined your budget, 电子游戏正规平台一下在你的领域和/或职位上的其他人的薪水,以确保你的收入预期符合市场的现实. 你可以使用资源,比如 工资.comglassdoor网站.com 电子游戏正规平台一下与你有相同经验和技能的人在类似职位上的典型薪酬. 确保你根据工作地点进行调整,因为类似职位的薪水可能因城市或地区而异.

Calculate your target salary

现在你可以估计其他专业人士在你的领域的收入,并知道你自己的预算, 确定你的薪资范围. 把你的目标工资作为这个范围的下限,不要超过20%.

  • If you’ve determined that you will need to make about $50,000 to cover all of your expenses, 而且你的薪水调查表明,在你的领域(拥有你的技能)的其他人, in your city) are making a median $55,000, your target salary might be $55,000. And, your range might be $55,000-$66,000. 
  • Note that you should be mindful of your take-home pay. You can calculate your take-home pay using paycheckcity.com. 确保你的目标工资能支付税后的开支.


Now that you know your budget 和 your target salary range, you can evaluate the employment package being offered to you. 如果你已经得到了口头邀请,以书面形式提出要求,这样你就有了所有相关的细节. Does the offer match your target salary range? 一定要注意薪水之外的福利待遇. (Wondering what other 好处 you might expect? 看看 这个页面.) Other 好处 besides salary might include:

  • 保险
  • 401k or 403b plans (retirement)
  • 股票期权 
  • 灵活的调度
  • 健身房的会员卡
  • 育婴假
  • Paid parking 和/or subsidized commuter plans
  • 教育学分
  • 签约奖金
  • Commission or other incentives


如果你觉得公司提供的薪水不足以维持你的生活,或者不符合当地市场(你调查过的薪资范围),你可能需要考虑协商薪水。. Be aware that salary negotiation is not always possible. 有些薪酬方案对所有某一级别的新员工都是标准的. 一旦你评估了你的报价并做了调查,问一下这个报价是否可以商量. 

Before a salary negotiation conversation with your potential employer, make sure to gather your salary research 和 your skills sheet. You can start by articulating your value (remember Step One). 明确说明你能为这个职位和/或公司带来的技能和独特价值. If applicable, you can also mention the research on comparable roles. You might say something like: 

  • “Do you have any flexibility on the salary number?”*
  • “谢谢你的邀请. Based on my research with comparable roles in this area, I was thinking of something in the range of [your target salary range].”
  • “Based on my prior experience 和 familiarity with this role, I believe that an additional $___would be fair.” 

If salary is not negotiable, find the “wiggle room.” The starting salary for an entry-level position may not be negotiable, but find out other aspects that may be —e.g. start date, vacation time, or flex time.

记住:在你收到书面offer之前,offer并不是最终的. Be sure to request written documentation of the terms of the offer, especially if you have negotiated anything out of the ordinary. 当你觉得报价是公平的,并且在你能接受的范围内时,最后敲定协议. Finally, accept or decline the offer both verbally 和 in writing.


  • Don’t ask any questions that you could have researched.
  • It is unlawful for employers to ask your current salary in an interview, but they can ask on an application. 如果他们在应用程序上给出了一个选项而不是数值,你可以简单地说“开放和灵活”.”
  • If they ask your desired salary in an interview, 你可以说,你必须回到他们那里,因为你还没有准备好一个数字,你必须考虑到福利, 税, 等. 
  • Once you get to the negotiation phase, if the employer starts mentioning numbers, you can say “thank you for sharing that information”- not accepting, 只承认.



如果需要一对一的评估工作机会和谈判薪水的建议, schedule an appointment with a career coach.

电子游戏软件 Job Offer Policy